March 2014 ARRL Technical Specialist Report

Quite a few projects/activities competed for my time last month:

Worked with Ed Valasek (K3HTK) to completely tear down and rebuild his repeater rack.  Took the majority of a Saturday, but when we finished, things looked a whole lost better.  We were able to get the amplified functioning on his 33cm repeater and install a new 70cm repeater all tied to my two machines via IRLP.

Put up a new antenna and new feed line on the 70cm NF9K repeater.  In the process of ordering a sharp-tune cavity and pre-amp now.  Thanks to K3HTK for his help with this little project.  While we were working on my machines, we made some audio adjustments in the controller that greatly improved the audio both to the repeaters and the PiRLP link.  We also installed a new set of Wacom duplexers this month.  The Decibel model that I had was just not providing enough isolation resulting in a desensed receiver.

Organized an ARRL VE session with the N9AG Club.  Only had three participants and one of them was a no-show (she had the wrong address).  Was contacted by a NH amateur to help with his visually impaired aunt.  She is a pre-1987 technician and qualifies for the General Class grandfather.  When I get back from vacation, the N9AG team is going to arrange a time to meet with her an do the appropriate paperwork for her upgrade.

Purchased an Argent Data Systems T3-301 TNC/Data Radio unit for mobile APRS.  After working through a few nuances, I’m happy to report that it’s chugging along as I type this while traveling through the Tennessee mountains.  For the record, the XYL is driving….  Give me some time to work some HF>

May the venture in 23cm as well.  A rather interesting band.  K3HTK and I will be working on doing some data connections via that band.  I ended up with an Alinco DJ-G7 and an Icom ID-1.

Worked on the outline for my Raspberry Pi presentation at the Indianapolis Hamfest in July.  Again, K3HTK will be helping me out with the presentation.

I picked up one of the new RigBlaster Blue units to check out.  So far my experience has been less than positive, but I’m hoping to play with it a bit while on vacation and perhaps get it working.  More on this next month.

I received an email from a relatively new ham, KC1BGY, looking for guidance in purchasing a new mobile radio.  Evidently two of the units he was researching lead to my website where he was able to contact me.  After identifying his needs, I was able to offer some advise on his options.